Shop for Medical Wigs in Dallas-Fort Worth

*If you’re shopping for a wig for medical reasons, check with your insurance company first to see their coverage. Ask your insurance company if your insurance policy covers “cranial prosthesis.” Nu Hair of Texas does not provide free wigs. You are responsible for paying if you purchase a wig at Nu Hair of Texas. Upon full payment, Nu Hair of TX issues a receipt, which you can then submit to your insurance company. 

We offer wigs for patients with all types of alopecia hair loss conditions. Nu Hair wig specialists in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, will help you choose your best option. 

Texas Best Medical Wigs Dallas DFW

Medical Wig or Smart Wig Dallas Texas Report

Medical Wig Dallas – ‘Smart’ wig is a wig with a circuit board that reads brainwaves. You can’t find a wig in Dallas, TX, that gives the user navigation and provides tactile feedback. You may find it shortly. The smart wig has a patent as a “wearable computing device.”

A hairpiece and computer chip are intertwined with wires by Japan’s Sony Computer Laboratory (CSL). The first invention has a built-in laser pointer for slideshow presentations. Using vibrations and a GPS, a second wig guides the user to a destination. Sony also created a third wig that measures body temperature and blood pressure.

The wigs are human hair, synthetic hair, or any other material to hide the circuit board. For example, the hidden delicate electronic equipment can talk wirelessly to a smartphone. The embedded tactical parts provide feedback to the user by buzzing to give navigation cues. In other words, they use vibration or small electric shocks to provide “tactile feedback” to the wig wearer.

Techno Medical Wig

The techno-medical wigs are a new addition to the world of wearable computing, such as Apple glasses. The intelligent chip in the wig uses GPS to speak to satellites and guide users to their destination with tiny ultrasound vibrations on different parts of the head. This bright medical wig will conduct a blind person in the future. Another innovative wig measures body vital signs such as temperature, blood pressure, and brainwaves.

Besides, an intelligent wig can record sounds and images using facial expressions or brain activity. For example, a computer presentation allows wearers to play back their events. One day you may find this brilliant wig in Dallas, Texas, wig and hair replacement shops.